About Me

I am Adib Rezaei Shahmirzadi, currently a senior student pursuing a degree in computer engineering at the University of Tehran. My passion lies in constantly expanding my skill set and seizing novel opportunities.

My CV: Link


  • [08/2023] Joined the High-Performance Network Laboratory at the University of Tehran under supervision of Prof. Ahmad Khonsari. I am working on my bachelor's thesis which is focused on improving reliability and performance in edge networks. This is achieved through layer-aware containerized service orchestration, with the help of online learning algorithms, particularly reinforcement learning.
  • [06/2023] Joined Prof. Ping Wang's research team at York University . I am currently engaged in advancing deep reinforcement learning-based caching strategies tailored for IoT networks that handle transient data at edge nodes.
  • [08/2019] Ranked in the top 0.2% among nearly 160,000 students in the Iranian University Entrance Exam (Konkour).